Construction Materials

Periodical scientific and technical journal


  • Elena Yumasheva, engineer chemist-technologist, Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia, Honored Builder of Russia


  • Advertising publishing company "STROYMATERIALY"


  • Advertising publishing company "STROYMATERIALY


  • 12 issues per year



Language of manuscripts

  • russian


  • Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
  • CrossRef
  • Google Scholar
  • Ulrich's Periodicals Directory

About journal

The "Stroitel'nye Materialy" (Construction Materials) Journal is a monthly edition; founded in 1955 to cover the state technical policy in the field of construction industry and building materials industry. For more than half a century the journal covers the main stages of formation and development of more than twenty sub-sectors of the building materials industry, the most important discoveries and inventions in the field of materials science, engineering and technology.

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No 8 (2024)

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Raw materials base of the industry

Characterization of Jurassic mudstones of the Northwest Caucasus as a raw material for clinker tile production
Orlova M.E., Lapunova K.A.

The article characterizes Jurassic mudstones of the North-West Caucasus as a potential raw material for the production of clinker tiles with water absorption of less than 3%. It is noted that traditional for the south of Russia raw materials for the production of ceramic bricks and tiles in the last centuries were various types of loams, which are widely distributed almost throughout the territory. However, for a number of reasons, they cannot be considered as raw materials for the production of clinker tiles, for which there has been a steady demand in recent years, especially on the Black Sea coast. Geographically, the Jurassic sediments in the Krasnodar region are traced in a wide strip (50–100 km) at a distance of 20 to 60 km from the coast. These are the oldest rocks in the region. The thickness of numerous mudstones varies from a few to many tens of meters. The chemical composition of mudstones is characterized by the content of aluminum oxide from 17 to 22 %, increased content of potassium oxide and iron oxides. The mineral composition is represented by hydrous mica, kaolinite and chlorite with admixture of quartz and feldspars. Pre-firing properties of argillites can be regulated by the degree of grinding. In terms of sinterability, argillites are qualified as a strong-medium sintering raw material of low-temperature sintering with high strength of ceramic stone. The results and analysis of the obtained data allow us to assert that the Jurassic mudstones of the North-West Caucasus are potentially suitable raw materials for production of clinker tiles with a wide range of physical and technical properties using a simplified technology.

Construction Materials. 2024;(8):4-10
pages 4-10 views

Concretes: science and practice

Mechanics of durability of structural concrete: new approach to the phenomenon of degradation. Part 2. Corrosion of reinforcement
Leonovich S.N.

There are several models in which the corrosion rate, rust expansion, and resulting crack propagation around reinforcement can be assessed. The effect of crack-induced corrosion on the behavior of the structure can also be assessed. Several methods have been proposed to evaluate the mechanical performance of reinforced concrete structures with corroded reinforcing bars. Changes in the mechanical properties of reinforcing bars, concrete and their interactions need to be modeled based on the concept of analytical methods. The load-bearing capacity of reinforced concrete beams with reinforcement corrosion was calculated using the finite element method. The influence of reinforcement corrosion is considered from the point of view of changes in the mechanical properties of reinforcement and adhesion of reinforcement to concrete. Instead of reducing the cross-sectional area of the reinforcement, the Young’s modulus and yield strength of the corroded reinforcement are reduced. Numerical modeling of the structural performance of reinforced concrete structures with reinforcement corrosion using a finite element program has shown that modeling of structural deterioration, such as reinforcement corrosion and concrete cover cracking, sometimes has a large impact on the analytical results. The structural characteristics of reinforced concrete elements with reinforcement corrosion are calculated. Using this modeling method, an analysis of the degree of influence of corrosion on structural characteristics was carried out.

Construction Materials. 2024;(8):11-16
pages 11-16 views
On increasing the crack resistance of reinforced concrete structures by introducing fiberglass nets into the protective layer of concrete
Kurshpel A.V., Lyskova T.E.

Under operating conditions, the protective layer of concrete undergoes significant internal and external influences that lead to the formation of cracks. To increase the reliability and durability of reinforced concrete structures, it is proposed to install fiberglass nets in the protective layer of concrete, which is most susceptible to various aggressive influences during the operation of structures. The purpose of this work was to study the effect of fiberglass nets on increasing the crack resistance of the protective layer of concrete. The forces in the stretched concrete and in the rods of the fiberglass mesh located in the protective layer of concrete are calculated theoretically and using the software package «LIRA-CAD 2016» for a strip of concrete reinforced with a fiberglass mesh. The relative movements of the nodes in concrete and in the grid are determined and the obtained values are compared. As a result of the study, it was found that with a short-term effect of the load, fiberglass nets in the protective layer of concrete do not significantly affect the formation of cracks, with a long-term effect of the load, the presence of fiberglass nets reduces the formation of cracks by up to 2%. After the formation of microcracks in concrete, including from shrinkage deformations, fiberglass nets significantly hinder their further development.

Construction Materials. 2024;(8):17-24
pages 17-24 views
The effect of calcium stearate on the microbiological corrosion of cement stone concrete
Strokin K.B., Galtsev A.A., Konovalova V.S., Narmaniya B.E.

To prevent biofouling of cement stone and its damage by fungal microorganisms, it is proposed to introduce 0,5 wt. % calcium stearate into the cement mixture. To ensure volumetric hydrophobization of cement stone, the additive is crushed to nanoparticles. The cement stone was cured in the air for 28 days. To study fungal corrosion, the surface of the cement stone was treated with a suspension of pores of Aspergillus niger fungi. The hydrophobic surface of the cement stone was not biofouled by fungal microorganisms Aspergillus niger during 6 months of the samples being in a humid environment, and black mold foci developed on the surface of ordinary cement stone during this period of time. The action of fungi and their waste products caused a decrease in the amount of calcium in the cement stone by 9 %, and had no effect on the hydrophobized cement stone. Due to the immunity of cement stone with a hydrophobizer to the action of microorganisms and water, free calcium hydroxide is not removed from the structure, but some amount is washed out of the surface layer and the pore liquid. A significant slowdown in mass transfer in cement stone under the action of liquids is provided by the hydrophobicity of the surface of cement stone and the walls of pores and capillaries, imparted by calcium stearate, as well as partial colmatation of the pore structure by means of the introduced additive.

Construction Materials. 2024;(8):25-29
pages 25-29 views

Results of scientific research

Practical experience in the implementation of innovative building materials and products
Anpilov S.M., Erofeev V.T., Rimshin V.I., Skolubovich Y.L., Sorochaikin A.N.

The improvement and creation of new production technologies is largely determined by the level of innovation in the field of materials science. In this paper, the experience of practical implementation of innovative building materials and products made of light steel thin-walled structures in the real sector of the economy is considered. Suggestions are given for possible use in state programs for the restoration and development of new territories of Russia. The problem of economic recovery, creation of new jobs, implementation of development programs for specific subjects of new territories can be solved by consolidating the subjects of the Russian Federation and forming professional construction teams on the basis of specialized enterprises of the subject of the Russian Federation for the implementation of state programs. The authors, if necessary, offer services for training and transfer of scientific and technical knowledge to Customer specialists at the place of construction of prefabricated facilities.

Construction Materials. 2024;(8):31-39
pages 31-39 views
Epoxy composite materials filled with rice husk ash
Sokolova A.G.

The present research responds to two current tendencies, such as circular economy, involving reuse of industrial waste, and green chemistry, presupposing application of renewable resources and technologies, which minimize the negative environmental impact. The present article is dedicated to the study of the application of rice husk and its ash as a filled for epoxy composite materials. Rice husk represents a multi-tonnage agricultural by-product, subject to recycling, and at the same time, is a valuable source of amorphous silica. Temperature regime of rice husk ash (RHA) production, optimum content and particle size of filler providing maximum modifying effect were determined. The influence of modifying fillers on the complex of operational properties of filled epoxy compositions including hardness, wear resistance, adhesion to steel and aluminium and antifriction properties of epoxy coatings has been established. A comparative analysis of the properties of modified compositions with non-filled ones and with compositions filled with fully amorphous silica, including industrial analogue Aerosil 300, has been carried out. It has been established that the best compatibility with polymer epoxy matrix is possessed by rice husk ash obtained at the combustion temperature of 500оC introduced in the amount of 10 mass parts per 100 mass parts of epoxy polymer.

Construction Materials. 2024;(8):40-48
pages 40-48 views
Study of the influence of fire retardants on the flammability of building materials made of pine and aspen wood
Titunin A.A., Fedotov A.A.

The results of the study of the effect of industrial fireproofing compositions on the weight loss of samples of solid pine and aspen wood during combustion are presented. Fireproofing compositions of different brands was introduced in the form of ready-made solutions (with a consumption of 500–600 g/m2) by impregnation of test samples of coniferous and deciduous wood. It has been established that, from the point of view of mass loss during combustion fireproofing compositions have different efficiency: the best of them provided I group of fire retardant efficiency. For a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of the use of various industrial flame retardants, the method of analysis of variance was used. The hypothesis about the effect of interaction between the type of wood and the grade of OS was tested, and the significance of the influence of factors on the weight loss of samples during combustion was assessed. It has been established that the effect of interaction between the type of wood and the type of fire retardant composition is 3.51 times greater than the effect of the type of wood, which is due to both the structural differences between aspen and pine wood, and the unequal absorption of OS of different operating principles into the outer layers of the wood material. It was determined that the degree of influence of the type of wood (aspen, pine) on the loss of mass of wood material during combustion is 62.3 times less than the influence of the type of fire retardant composition.

Construction Materials. 2024;(8):49-55
pages 49-55 views
Self-adhesive elastic radiation protective coatings
Rimshin V.I., Cherkasov V.D., Cherkasov D.V., Savin V.K.

Elastic self-adhesive radiation protective coatings with high adhesive strength to various substrates have been developed and can be applied to surfaces of any shape. In terms of radiation protection properties, they surpass foreign analogues by 15–35% barite-containing at an energy of 0.059 MeV, by 8%, 30% and even 200% tungsten-containing at an energy of 0.661 MeV. In terms of cost, tungsten-containing materials are 2–3 times cheaper than foreign analogues, and barite materials are 67–109 times cheaper than foreign analogues, and 2–3.5 times cheaper than domestic ones. With an absorbed radiation dose of 2.62.107 Gy (threshold value of 105 Gy), they retain radiation-protective properties and have minor damage.

Construction Materials. 2024;(8):56-62
pages 56-62 views
Sedimentation of heterogeneous particles in a porous material
Kuzmina L.I., Osipov Y.V.

Filtration of suspensions and colloids in porous materials occurs during the construction and operation of hydraulic structures, tunnels and underground storage facilities. Filtration models are used to calculate the penetration of grout into loose soil, when treating drinking water and industrial wastewater. During the filtration process, suspended particles pass through large pores and get stuck at the entrance of small-diameter pores. The trapped particles form a stationary deposit. A model of filtration of a polydisperse suspension in a porous material is considered. The purpose of the work is to study sediment profiles – the dependence of the concentration of deposited particles on the distance to the porous material inlet at a fixed time. An exact solution to the model was constructed using the method of characteristics. It has been shown that when filtering a polydisperse suspension, the distribution of sediment differs for different types of particles. The sediment profile of the largest particles always decreases monotonically, but the sediment profile of the smallest particles is not monotonic. It decreases at short times, then a maximum point appears on the graph, moving along the porous medium as time increases. After the maximum point reaches the porous material exit, the sediment profile becomes monotonically increasing. The sediment profiles of intermediate size particles and the total sediment profile are either monotonic or non-monotonic depending on the model parameters. The behavior of maximum points of non-monotonic profiles has been studied.

Construction Materials. 2024;(8):63-68
pages 63-68 views

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